Sheep sometimes get a bad rap for being simple creatures. Instead of simple, think of sheep as social animals. As social creatures, sheep display strong instincts to flock together for protection from predators. They also tend to follow a leader within their group. Some scientists even suggest grazing patterns are a result of learned traditions within a flock. According to National Geographic, sheep can remember 50 unique human faces. God designed a remarkable creature.
Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. We are His sheep. This illustration from the countryside helps us understand our relationship. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:27-28).
A lamb had special meaning to the people of Jesus’ day. In the Old Testament, God’s people offered sacrifices as a part of their worship life. Those sacrifices pointed out their sin and pointed toward the perfect Lamb of God who was sacrificed to take away the sin of the world. The Good Shepherd laid down His life for His flock. His death on the cross atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Most unexpectedly, the Shepherd became the Lamb.
John 10:14 says, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” What a comfort, Jesus knows every one of His sheep. While we graze, there will be wild animals and other distractions that try to lead us away from our Shepherd and cause us harm. Satan prowls around like a roaring lion (1Peter 5:8) and tries to snatch us out of Jesus’ hand. We are not alone. Jesus is with us, and He knows us by name, we have His Word to guide us and encourage us. We can call out to Him in times of trouble and temptation. He is faithful, and He will never abandon us.
As we begin a new school year under the theme, I Am Jesus’ Lamb, listen intently to your Shepherd’s voice. Place your trust in His protecting arms. God has placed you within His flock for comfort and safety. Our Good Shepherd preserves us in green pastures and promises we will never perish in His loving care.
I was so lost, I should have died,
But you have brought me to your side
To be led by your staff and rod
And to be called a Lamb of God. CWS 748
May God richly bless your summer! -Principal Peck