Jesus- Way, Truth, Life

Jesus- Way, Truth, Life

Jesus delivered seven “I am” statements in the gospel of John. This year’s school theme is based on John 14:6. “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” At the beginning of John 14, Jesus comforts his disciples and us with a promise. He is preparing a place in heaven for each of his dear children and will ensure they come home. Jesus uses the powerful biblical pattern of “I am” statements to emphasize this assurance.


Later in John’s Gospel, Jesus spoke, “I am he.” His captors drew back and fell to the ground, illustrating the power and authority in his words. These “I am” declarations reveal Jesus’ divine nature and his fulfillment of God’s promises. They connect the Old Testament to the New Testament, reminding us of God’s eternal presence. When Moses hesitated at the burning bush, God declared, “I AM.” This divine name, echoed in Jesus’ statements, connects us to God’s steadfast and unchanging grace.


“I am the way.”
In life, there are often multiple routes to a destination. You could choose to walk, bike, bus, or drive. We’re not used to being told there is only one way. Assembling an Ikea shelf according to the instructions works, but a little improvising is okay, right? Are there merely good ways or better, more efficient ways of doing things? Jesus makes a bold claim: He is the way. Notice the definite article points to the only way. Jesus is not “a” way among many. Earthly pursuits promise a good way achievement, love, money, influence, career, recreation, independence but these imitation ways will become dead ends apart from Christ.


“I am the truth.”
Standing face to face with the truth, Pilate could only retort, “What is truth?” Pilate’s words reverberate today as people are encouraged to speak their truth or think of truth as relative to the individual. Yet, Jesus claims to be the truth. When Jesus speaks, we listen because he speaks with authority. His words animated creation. His words restored the sick and broken in spirit. After his resurrection from the dead, his promises have extended to the ends of the earth. Jesus declared, “Because I live, you also will live” -John 14:19.


“I am the life.”
The first two “I am’s” lead to the third. When Thomas asked, “How can we know the way?” Jesus is it. Where do we find truth when AI generates vast amounts of information in seconds? Jesus is it. Whenever we substitute the things of this world to be the way, truth, or life, we will be disappointed or led astray. When doubts arise in your heart, go back to Christ. The Spirit strengthens our faith through God’s word and blesses us with peace. Life on earth flourishes when we rightly understand our relationship to our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. Life eternal begins when we enter our Father’s house and embrace what his love has prepared for us.


-Principal Peck