Academic Excellence

ORLS takes pride in equipping students for the next level of their education and life. Students are well prepared for high school after their time at Our Redeemer. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is used to track student growth and validate the effectiveness of our curriculum and instruction.
Eight-year average of 8th-grade MAP percentiles:
- Reading 89%, Language 97%, Math 92%, Science 95%

Educational Approach

Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies and approaches to reach their students' varied interests and abilities. Curriculum and instruction at ORLS follow a balanced approach. Teaching strategies like direct instruction, cooperative learning, project-based learning, summarizing, note-taking, and nonlinguistic representations are utilized. A variety of tools accompany instruction from textbooks to Chromebooks, manipulatives, songs, movement, and learning applications.
Multi- Age Classrooms

Multi-age classrooms provide a rich classroom experience. Older students develop leadership and mentoring skills while collaborating with younger students. Relationships are fostered over two years with the classroom teacher. Varied groupings can be utilized across grade levels. Multi-age classrooms mirror student interactions in the real world. The curriculum design supports multi-age learning environments. Classrooms adopt a family-feel as students alternate being the oldest students in the room, to the youngest the next year.

Our Redeemer offers excellence in Christian education and care for infants through eighth-grade.
- Infants-K4
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1-2
- Grade 3-4
- Grade 5-6
- Grade 7-8

The curriculum is designed to meet and exceed the requirements of the State of Wisconsin and the WELS. A detailed Curriculum Handbook is available to learn more about the skills and content and taught in each subject and grade level. Text series and programs resources provide a foundation for the curriculum at ORLS. For example:
Reading and Language Arts:
- Superkids/Saxon Phonics
- Shurley English
- Spelling Connections
- Literature Basals/Novels
Math: Saxon Math