Attend Divine Service

Divine Service is held every Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30AM and Monday at 6:30PM. The service follows a pattern for worship that has been used by the Christian church for thousands of years and is designed for active engagement and participation by all. You can expect hymns and songs, prayers, readings from God's Word, and a sermon. Our services are printed out in a service folder so that it's easy to follow along.
Jesus said that children are a model of faith for all of us, so bring the kids and don't worry about them making noise. Our service format helps families to grow in faith together and allows for children to meaningfully participate. We'll be glad to see you and meet you with a smile at the door!
Meet with a Pastor

Our pastors would be glad to meet with you to get to know you, learn about your story, pray and read God's Word with you, and share a bit about the Our Redeemer family. They also visit people in hospitals, assisted living facilities, and the like. Schedule a visit with Pastor Bassett or Pastor Moldenhauer. You can also email to set up a visit.
Join Our Connect Class

Connect is a class that we regularly offer which provides an overview of Christian doctrine and Christian living. It's a great way to learn more about God's Word and what we teach and preach at Our Redeemer. Contact the church office at 608.274.2830 or to register for the next class.